“Light the Fire Within You and Keep it Lit”
Feel stuck and frustrated by your current circumstances? Not sure what stumbling blocks are holding you back? Need the next steps and the courage to take them? This 1-3 hour presentation focuses on the 3 main steps to creating the life you dream of at home and at work. Uncovering Your Purpose, Mastering Your Thoughts, and Taking Courageous Action are powerful keys to spark your internal motivation. These practical tips and ideas equip you face each day fired up, focused, and taking positive action at work and at home.
Key Points:
- Find your fire and fan the flames
- Reveal who’s really responsible for your motivation
- Discover key personal motivators and which are most effective
- Find your sweet spot and stay in it
- Identify what successful people do to love their job
- Finding and staying in environments that fuel your own fire
- Empowering yourself to take control of your own motivation